Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A good day.

The last week of editing has been rough. I've seen the movie too many times in the editing lab and I've grown bored and lost hope.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic, but from what most of my friends at USC have told me, there is a period during the cutting process where you believe your movie is complete shit.

Well today I got over that.

While sulking during the last week I have also been trying to figure out what is wrong. I've said to myself, 'The movie is too slow' 'I need to cut a scene' 'The movie isn't funny' 'The story doesn't work' 'This shot didn't turn out like I hoped.'

My editor Annie and I both agreed that the latest cut dragged so we cut a minute off making the running time 12 minutes... But that wasn't the answer.

Well, without revealing anything about the movie I'll just say this: Today I had an idea. We moved a piece of a scene to a place where I hadn't intended when I wrote the script. It made a HUGE difference. I am out of my funk and ready to move on.

I'm going to start screening the movie for certain friends and family now to start to gauge how things are playing to an audience. I'm nervous, but more confident than I have been.